
15000+ ProfessionalsTrained


3+ Batches everymonth


50+ Industry experttrainers


2500+ CorporateServed

What is Artificial Intelligence? Why you should do it from Uncodemy?

Artificialintelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer or a robot controlled by a computer to dotasks that are usually done by humans because they require human intelligence anddiscernment. Python is one of the most popular languages for Artificial Intelligence, mostused language for Machine Learning (which lives under the umbrella of AI).

Types ofArtificial Intelligence

  • Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)
  • Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)
  • Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)
  • Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)
  • Reactive machines.
  • Limited memory.
  • Theory of mind.
  • Self-awareness.

7 areas of AI-

  • Computer vision.
  • Fuzzy Logic.
  • Expert systems.
  • Robotics.
  • Machine learning.
  • Neural networks/deep learning.
  • Natural language processing.

5 stages of AI-

  • Aware.
  • Active.
  • Operational.
  • Systemic.
  • Transformational.

When you search forUncodemy you will get to know, why Uncodemy is one of the best ArtificialIntelligence Training institute in Noida, based out of Delhi NCR, India. Uncodemytied itself with fortune 500 to have best of the Industry experts tutors who comesfrom reputed MNC’s to the startups who are gradually becoming a part of the wellknown business tycoons’ list. They not only know how to teach efficiently but alsowill guide each one of you, in such a way, that you don't hesitate when it is themoment for you to step into the real world of IT.

Let's analyse the kindof Artificial Intelligence course benefits in Noida, one can enjoy if they decide todo it from Uncodemy-

As a ArtificialIntelligence Professional one can be extremely skilled and versatile, impacting thequality of the software solutions they develop. The kind of professional one isgoing to be will be proficient in various languages and can develop the mostappropriate and high-quality solutions to meet client needs.

So if you are a naiveand looking for a Artificial Intelligence Training for beginners in Noida, Uncodemyis here to help you out with the below mentioned provisions-

  • Well equipped labs
  • Content libraries
  • Regular webinars
  • 24/7 Availability of tutors
  • Special batches for working students, flexible schedules
  • Affordable Bootcamps.
  • 100% placement.
  • Globally recognised certifications.
  • Working Mentors from Artificial Intelligence industries.
  • Certified courses of Artificial Intelligence to help you become a skilledprofessional
  • Option to choose from online and offline classroom or sessions.
  • Special batches for working or busy students.
  • Multiple live projects.
  • Paid internships and certificates after completion.
  • One time investment, lifetime validity.
  • Experience letter.
Remarkable Features of Uncodemy

Don’tsit back anymore! Be an inseparable part of the best Artificial Intelligence Bootcamp inNoida, as the mentors work here are from big MNC’s to reputed startups that are rapidlyearning their name in the field of big industries owned by the well established players.Boons to justify why one should undoubtedly join Uncodemy’s mentorship together with theindustry expert tutors to get the Artificial Intelligence Training in Noida, by paying justa few bucks, as soon as possible-

Globallyrecognised certifications.
Multiplelive projects.
Internship/ Experience letter.
Oneon one sessions for efficient learning.
Specialbatches for working or busy students.
Paidinternships and certificates after completion.
Certifiedcourses of Artificial Intelligence to help you become a skilledprofessional.
WorkingMentors from Artificial Intelligence industries.
Optionto choose from online and offline classroom or sessions.
Q/Aafter every session.
Chatwith the tutors anytime.
Onetime investment, lifetime validity.

Curriculums for Artificial Intelligence Training Course in Noida

Artificial Intelligence Curriculum

The curriculum has been designed by faculty from IITs, and Expert Industry Professionals.


Hours of Content


Live Sessions


Tools and Software

Set the Basics Right

Artificial Itelligence course provider of Noida called Uncodemy offers a curriculum thatcontains following courses to strengthen your skill in Artificial Intelligence-

Artificial Intelligence Curriculum

  • Why/What machine learning
  • Real time applications of machine learning
  • Data science project life cycle
  • Overview of data, tools and processes
  • Environment setup – Anaconda distribution setup
  • Basic data structures – List, Set, Tuple, Dictionary
  • Functions and loops
  • Object-oriented programming: classes & objects
  • Packages
  • Overview of python libraries (pandas, skelarn, keras, spacy,nltk,etc)
  • Directory and File management
  • Exception handling
  • Data types
  • Measures of central tendency – mean, median and mode
  • Measures of variability and spread – range, IQR and standarddeviation, boxplot, skewness and kurtosis

Detailed course contents:

  • Random variable and probability
  • Probability rules and types
  • Bayes’ theorem
  • Histogram and Probability density function
  • Probability distributions
  • Bernoulli, Geometric, Binomial, Poisson and exponentialdistributions
  • Normal distribution
  • Z-score
  • Central limit theorem
  • Confidence intervals
  • Hypothesis testing – p value, Null and alternate hypothesis
  • Type I and Type II Errors
  • T-test for paired and unpaired data
  • Chi-Square test – Goodness of fit and Independence
  • F distribution - ANOVA
  • Basic numpy and scipy operations
  • Pandas library and its functions
  • Data collection
  • Analyzing data using pandas
  • Visualization techniques – matplotlib, seaborn and plotly
  • Scatter plot, bar plot, box plot, pie chart, heat map etc.
  • Data cleaning and transformations
  • Missing value handling
  • Outlier handling
  • Train/Valid/test split – random and stratified
  • Feature engineering
  • Supervised learning– Regression, Classification
  • Unsupervised learning– Clustering, dimensionality reduction
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Simple linear regression
  • Assumptions of linear regression
  • Multiple Linear Regressions
  • Polynomial Regression
  • Evaluation- MSE, RMSE, correlation, R Squared, Adjusted RSquared
  • Bias- variance tradeoff
  • Use case of Linear regression
  • Sigmoid function
  • Odds ratio and logit
  • Logistic regression
  • Evaluation - Confusion matrix, AUC-ROC
  • K-fold cross validation
  • Use case of logistic regression
  • K-means clustering
  • Hierarchical clustering
  • Evaluation
  • Decision trees
  • Ensemble models
  • Bagging – Random forest
  • Boosting – XGBoost, LightGBM, Catboost
  • Support vector machines SVM
  • Naïve bayes
  • KNN – K nearest neighbors
  • Evaluating all models with one use case
  • Train, Test & Validation Set
  • Cross-validation (K-fold CV)
  • Hyper-parameterization
  • Randomized search
  • Stacking
  • PCA- principle component analysis
  • Matrix factorization
  • SVD
  • Use case of dimensionality reduction
  • Neural network architecture
  • Neuron and activation functions
  • Loss function
  • Back propagation and gradient descent
  • Use case of neural networks
  • Deep learning architecture
  • Parameters and hyper parameters
  • Hyper parameter tuning
  • Stochastic gradient descent
  • Mini batch
  • Optimiser-RMSProp,ADAM,ADAGRAD
  • Overfitting solutions
  • Regularization techniques-Lasso,ridge and elastic
  • Dropout
  • Early stopping and data augmentation
  • Cross entropy and Softmax
  • Use case of deep learning
  • RNN - Recurrent neural networks architecture
  • RNN variants
  • Vanishing gradient and Exploding gradient problem
  • LSTM Long short-term memory architecture and working
  • GRU Gated recurrent unit architecture and working
  • Use cases of RNN, LSTM and GRU
  • Computer vision tasks and challenges
  • Convolution network advantages
  • CNN architecture – kernel/Filter, activation, padding andpooling
  • Use case of CNN
  • Autoencoders
  • Transfer learning
  • GAN- Generative adversarial network
Get Accredited Certifications with Uncodemy

As you know by now that Uncodemytied itself with fortune 500 to employee the industry expert trainers who arecurrently working in the Artificial Intelligence field to provide ArtificialIntelligence certification in Noida, in association with below mentioned well knowntitles to validate your skills-

  • ISO
  • Skill India
Tools and Technologies covered
  • imagescribeScribe
  • TableauTableau
  • Power-BI-SymbolPower-Bi
  • imagealphaAlphacode
  • imageflowTensureflow
  • imagenumpyNumpy
  • imagepythonPython
  • imagepandasPandas
  • imageseabornSeaborn
  • imagepytorchPytorch
  • Matplotlib-logoMatplotlib
  • imagepycharmPyCharm
  • imagespacySpacy
  • imagenltkNLTK
  • imagesciktiScikit-learn
  • imagemlML
  • imagedlDeep Learning
  • imagenlpNLP
  • artificial-intelligence-logoAI
Ace your Interview with Uncodemy-

Uncodemy, the known Artificial Intelligence Training institute in Noida also prepares students toace interviews of absolutely any level with the latest tips and tricks by providing them belowmentioned provisions-

Who we Are?

Uncodemy a flourishing Artificial Intelligence Training institute in Noida, based out ofDelhi NCR India proves rather than saying! The students who were once getting AI Training inNoida with Uncodemy are now gracefully placed in the companies which are on the route orhave already achieved the title of business magnate.

For a reason Uncodemy, is the best Artificial Intelligence Training Institute in Noida,based out of Delhi NCR, India. Tutors employed in Uncodemy are from suppositious MNC’sto Startup’s that are well-thought of and are on the path of becoming the next big name.

Uncodemy tied itself with Fortune 500 to have the finest experts to level up your gameto become the next Artificial Intelligence Professional by providing personalisedgrooming sessions.

Working Students and the students who are far residing can go for live sessions oronline mode of classes, which are no different from the regular classroom Training.

Uncodemy understands its responsibility to provide the best Artificial Intelligence,Training in Noida, by offering a provision of special batches to the students who wantto start their professional journey ASAP.

Apart from Artificial Intelligence, Uncodemy also provides comprehensive courses of DataScience, Data Analytics, Full Stack Development, Python, Software Testing, AutomationTesting, Business Analytics, Digital Marketing, AWS, Cloud Computing, Azure Training,Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Manual Testing and Search EngineOptimisation.

With Uncodemy, one can be easily placed in the companies like CISCO, Adobe, McKinsey andcompany, Teleperformance (each interaction matters), AWS, Collabera, Walmart, NTT Data,Deloitte, IBM, Capgemini, Centurylink, Quick Heal (security simplified), Morgan Stanleyetc.

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Access unparalleled learning with live sessions, recordings,assignments, and live projects led by a top-tier mentor and industry experttrainer. Elevate your skills with the best-in-class educational content.


Get a Real World Understanding Through Industry Projects


We Provide EMI Facility forYou

Nothing Stops you from Learning


Take a Closer look at the World of Artificial Intelligence with Liveprojects-

The Artificial Intelligence Training institute, in Noida, Uncodemy notonly provides Training to excel your skills in Artificial Intelligence but alsotries every bit to make you well aware of the world of Artificial Intelligence, byconducting regular live projects to give you a close insight of emerging world ofArtificial Intelligence along with below mentioned provisions-

Artificial Intelligence Classroom Training in Noida
Uncodemy as a Artificial Intelligencecourse Training institute in Noida, knows its responsibilityto deliver the modern concepts of Artificial Intelligencewell and that is exactly why the classrooms are fully set upwith the advanced equipments and software, required to learnevery bit of Artificial Intelligence I.e., WiFi, libraryresources, trips, fun activities, etc.
In addition tothat, Artificial Intelligence course Training provider,Uncodemy, gives every student a facility of discussion thedoubts outside of the class anytime. All they have to do is,raise a ticket and one of our professionals will connect youwith the instructor right then. Isn’t it very ... smooth andfeasible to learn?
Students, who are looking for ajob, enjoys several benefits while attending the classesof Uncodemy, the Artificial Intelligence Traininginstitute in Noida, like, recruitment incentives andmuch more. Students who commute to take ArtificialIntelligence classes in Noida, also enjoys additionalfacilities like regular trips and outing to have a freshmind in order to grasp the concepts better.
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Artificial Intelligence Live Session Training Course inNoida
The well known Artificial IntelligenceTraining institute of Noida called Uncodemy also offersonline sessions or classrooms for the aspirants ofArtificial Intelligence. Through the live sessions conductedby Uncodemy, the best Artificial Intelligence Trainingcourse provider in Noida, one can gain knowledge of theArtificial Intelligence world from any part of theworld.
Artificial Intelligence course benefits in Noidaalso comes with a provision of consultation with the tutorsbesides classes, one has to simply raise a ticket and one ofour professional will connect that student with the tutor heor ... sheraised the ticket for. This shows how Uncodemy is soahead of the biased practices where institutions usuallyprefer the students who attend offline sessions but withUncodemy students face no discrimination whileTraining.
Uncodemy, the well known ArtificialIntelligence Training institute of Noida conducts livesessions that offer interactive features such aswhiteboard annotation tools, screen sharing, and pollingoptions.
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Live Session
Live Project
Workon live projects in Artificial Intelligence Training withUncodemy
The best Artificial Intelligence courseprovider, Uncodemy offers a wide range of test series andclasses under its Bootcamp where you can participate in liveproject works along with the specially skilled tutors ofUncodemy to prepare yourself for the real worldscenarios.
Programs that are included in the liveprojects, includes-
  • Paid internships
  • Volunteering
Chance to work on real projects of companies andorganisations to help each and every candidate inunderstanding pressures or maybe ... the loosenparts which needs to be tight.
Incentive to closelylook at the case studies to boost confidence requiredfor practicality. These Live project works are trulyefficient but if you think that it's the only tool todecide your fate, then you are wrong, because this isnot the end step of final evaluation it’s just a crucialstep to sharpen your skill in a way, that you don’t everrepeat the same silly mistakes while finalexecution.
The extraordinary and cost effectiveArtificial Intelligence Training provider, Uncodemyadds, live project works under our Bootcamp basicallygives a bundle of constructive criticisms to each andevery candidate who wants to take over this world withtheir skills in Artificial Intelligence.
Lastly,Uncodemy which is located in Noida, welcomes every student withopen arms and asks you to enrol today, as the seats arelimited and we are beginning with our fresh batch,soon.
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Artificial Intelligence Course in Noida with Placement
1550+ students, who were once Trainingwith Uncodemy, which is the best Artificial IntelligenceTraining institute in Noida, successfully placed with highsalaried packages in top reputed companies, as Uncodemy also100% placement along with providing in-vogue ArtificialIntelligence courses through following practices-
  • Projects/internship
  • Training soft skill and hard skill
  • Expert mentors
  • Grooming sessions
  • Placement grading
  • Interview process
... Areyou curious to know where the best AI Training institutein Noida called Uncodemy placed its past students inwhich company? Then here's your answer, CISCO, Adobe,McKinsey and company, Teleperformance (each interactionmatters), AWS, Collabera, Walmart, NTT Data, Deloitte,IBM, Capgemini, Centurylink, Quick Heal (securitysimplified), Morgan Stanley etc. Read more
Artificial Intelligence Interviews Preparation
There are multiple choices why one shouldjoin Uncodemy but the one we are about to discuss is the best.Why? Because the tutors of Artificial Intelligence Bootcamp inNoida, guide you on how to ace interview of every level.Uncodemy’s Mission to make every student interview readythrough-
  • Paid internships
  • Volunteering
Chance to work on real projects of companies andorganisations to help each and every candidate in understandingpressures or maybe the loosen parts which needs to be tightened.
Incentive to closely look ...at the case studies to boost confidencerequired for practicality.
All these will give a sharpedge to your resume to making you shine through among othercandidates. The extraordinary and cost effective AI courseTraining provider in Noida, Uncodemy adds, live projectworks in the Bootcamp basically gives constructivecriticism. Uncodemy, the known Artificial IntelligenceTraining institute in Noida also serves students bypreparing them with the latest tips and tricks to aceinterviews of absolutely any level by providing them belowmentioned provisions-
  • Live project work
  • Career transition
  • Resume building
  • Grooming session
  • Interview session
  • Mock interview with industry experts
  • MNC interview calls
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Artificial Intelligence Internship in Noida
Along with providing ArtificialIntelligence Training course in Noida, Uncodemy also focuses onproviding internships to the students who are receiving theAdvanced Artificial Intelligence Training in Noida. Hence, thestudents can learn and earn at the same time.
Not only that,Uncodemy also has a provision of providing certificates oncompleting these internships and through these internships, onecan give an extra edge to their resume, thereby, the chances ofnot able to make it in your dream company gets lower.
Mentorsat Uncodemy also gives guidance on how to search jobs accordingto a students ... expertise and skills.
While doing theinternship, one can attend the special discussions over thestrategies on how to crack interviews at big reputedcompanies one wants to join.
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Become an AI Expert - Talk to Expert Counselor

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c1 (2)

What else does Uncodemy focus on with Artificial Intelligence Training in Noida alongwith placement

Uncodemy not only provides Artificial Intelligence course in Noida but also focuses onthe subjects which has made the IT world such as data science, data analytics, software testing,... Full stack development, automation testing, Python,digital marketing, AWS, business analytics, cloud computing, business analytics, Azure Training,manual testing, machine learning and search engine optimization.

Uncodemy ensures Best Artificial Intelligence Training in Noidathrough delivery of quality content in combination with various facilities like working onlive projects, grooming session, one on one sessions regular webinars, with the help of areindustry expert tutors. Students also get multiple chances before the final evaluation sothat they don't loose confidence and get insecure before stepping into the real world ofArtificial Intelligence.

Uncodemy’s Artificial Intelligence Training for beginners inNoida, also focuses on students getting the best kind of experience while learning that's why,we also arrange fun interactions among the students and tutors. Also, there are no strict rulesand regulations like formal dress codes etc that you have to follow while attending the classTraining.
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Why pick Uncodemy for Artificial Intelligence Training in Noida

Trainers at Uncodemy, that provides Artificial Intelligence course in Noida, comesfrom reputed MNC’s to putant startups which are on the route to become the next Big time operator.Hence, ... a student who becomes a part of Uncodemy,will forever remain an inseparable part of ours, as the students who choose Uncodemy, not onlygets efficient Artificial Intelligence Training in Noida but also opens the door of lifetimeassistance and guidance at no cost at all, that means its a onetime investment and lifetimeenjoyment.
There is an added advantage of choosing Uncodemy over any other ArtificialIntelligence course provider in Noida is that students who are far residing and cannot commutedaily to get the business analytics course in Noida can opt for special batches or onlineArtificial Intelligence course in Noida.

Trends in Artificial Intelligence

Someone who is about to get the best Artificial Intelligence Training course in Noidamust be aware of the trending aspects of Artificial Intelligence- QUANTUM MACHINE LEARNING ... Quantum machine learning is a giant step in the techworld as it is going to build sophisticated machine-learning models to solve problems thatcurrently seem unsolvable or too complex for classical computing, including supercomputers withthe help of AI. As a result, big companies like IBM, Microsoft, and Amazon are heavily investingin this to reap fruitful results.

BusinessProcess Discovery or BPD is the method for comprehending to catalog all the aspects of abusiness process. This procedure becomes automated with the help of AI to generate soundresults.

The automachine learning industry is under the blessings of AI to introduce high-end machinelearning models which are going to be high-quality, scalable, and efficient. Apart fromthat, the focus is on improving neural network models.

AI is capable ofpredicting better-informed and accurate decision-making based on historical data, machinelanguage algorithms, and statistics. So, PREDICTIVE ANALYTICS is becoming a growingtrend among most tech companies.

Thanks to AI, thefuture of automating traditional business processes is taken to the maximum next level byhyper-automation. This seamless digital transformation journey is very soon going to beubiquitous with advanced tools like RPA (robotic process automation), EPA (event-drivenarchitecture), machine learning, packaged software, etc.

The term AIOps (ArtificialIntelligence Operations) was introduced in 2016 and it combines machine learning and bigdata to automate IT operational processes. This model is used to identify event correlation,causality determination, and anomaly detection. AIOps also offers cross-team cooperation,offer visibility across multiple domains, to make sure the smooth integration of IToperations management.

It is evident that themedical sector is heavily benefited from AI technology. Hospitals, clinics, care providers,and pharmaceutical companies deal with vast amounts of data and the influence of AI helpsaccurate diagnosis, tracks disease progression, automates clinical workflows, and allowsdoctors to prescribe better and more accurate treatments. Not only that, emerging trendslike telemedicine, AI-enabled chatbots, and AI-based fitness apps are there to create asound rapport between doctors and remote patients with 100% support from anywhere. As aresult, AI got any medical emergency covered just with a single tap.

This is another important field with a growing tendency. AI is there toautomate workflow to produce high-quality products. The chances are high that companies willsoon employ AI for automatic defect detection and related decision-making.

Theexpansion of the internet of things (IoT) is also newly becoming trendy and that is worthexperiencing. Any device connected to the internet and smartphones is under this category.Companies like Uber are testing these cars with IoT sensors to revolutionize thetransportation industry. The influence of AI is on the go here.
A digital twin is avirtual model created to accurately reflect a physical object through simulations that canpredict how a product or process will perform. This trend will be beneficial for large-scalemanufacturing, the energy sector, and urban development fields.

It is a fact that the advancement of technologies can also causenegative results making precious data and digital assets of companies and employees at stake. Toidentify these potential threats, AI-based cyber defense precautions are implemented withsophisticated security systems. These measurements will outsmart hackers and cybercriminalsensuring a safer environment for users.
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Jobs and vacancies for Artificial Intelligence professionals in Noida

Artificial intelligence Training in Noida makes you eligible to get an employment withsatisfactory package in the reputed or your dream company very easily. Top companies in India to...
provide jobs to artificial intelligenceprofessionals-
  • Tata Elxi Ltd.
  • Bosch Ltd.
  • Kellton tech solutions limited
  • Happiest minds technologies limited
  • Zensar technologies limited
  • Persistent systems limited
  • Saksoft limited
  • Oracle financial services software limited
  • Affle India limited
  • Cyient Limited
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) engineer.
  • Machine learning engineer.
  • Data engineer.
  • Robotics engineer.
  • Software engineer.
  • Data scientist.
  • Computer vision engineer.
  • Natural language processing engineer.
  • Deep learning engineer.
  • AI research scientist.
  • Business development manager.
  • AI product manager.
  • AI consultant.
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Salary packages for Artificial Intelligence professionals in Noida

AI Engineer salary in India ranges between ₹ 3.0 Lakhs to ₹ 20.0 Lakhs with an averageannual salary of ₹ 7.0 Lakhs. Salary estimates are based on 510 latest salaries received from AIEngineers ... Internationally- The average entry levelAI engineer salary is USD 117,377 per annum. The intermediate level engineers usually have 3 to6 years of experience in the industry. They are likely to earn somewhere between USD 109,000 toUSD 179,000. The average salary of intermediate level AI engineers is USD 138,000 peryear. Read more

India’s growing demand for skilled professionals in Artificial Intelligence Training inNoida

The goal of AI systems is to tackle complex problems in similar ways to human logicand reasoning. The market for AI is expected to reach US$ 7.8 billion by 2025 in India According tothe ... State of the Education report (SOER) 2022, AIwill grow at a rate of 20.2% compound annual growth rate (CAGR). India would need about 25,000to 30,000 artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) specialists in the next fiveyears. Basically the scope is so broad that even if a student can’t go or pursue their career asan artificial engineer for some reason, they can always have a career in teaching profession. Soby every chance getting yourself engaged with an artificial intelligence course provider inNoida will be beneficial for you. Read more

Curriculum for Artificial Intelligence course in Noida

We understand your curiosity to know the AI course duration in Noida and how much isthe AI course fees in Noida. Here’s why we'd like to disclose ... that the Artificial Intelligence boot camps in Noida, Uncodemy organise, are notonly limited to the usual standard duration which is 8 months, but we are capable to offerspecial batches to the students who are working or for some reason are only able to attend theonline Artificial Intelligence course in Noida in just ₹75k excluding the amazing offers anddiscounts. So, jump and swim to become the biggest Shark of the Artificial Intelligence world.

Here is the list of the perks you can enjoy whileattaining the Artificial Intelligence course in Noida with Uncodemy-

  • Start from the basics to strengthen your comprehensions.
  • Learn from the working industry expert instructors.
  • Get globally recognised certificates instantly.
  • Courses which are bang for your buck.
  • One on one sessions for efficient learning
  • Specially curated boot camps
  • Pay fees in instalments.
  • Multiple work on multiple life projects to get the close insight of business analyticsindustry.
  • Curriculum with latest concepts and modules.
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Get Industry Expert Trainers for Artificial Intelligence Training in Noida

As you know by now, that Uncodemy which is the finest Artificial Intelligence Trainingfor beginners in Noida, provides industry expert trainers to stir the core concepts of Artificial... Intelligence in students brain, in the speed of thelight. But today there are tons of sources to pursue Artificial Intelligence course in Noidathen why one should prefer the industry expert trainers of Uncodemy, a passionate AI courseTraining provider in Noida?

Below are the mentionedperks of joining Uncodemy to build your career-

  • 100% placement
  • Constant support of mentors till you get a dream job.
  • Availability of professionals even after the session through chat or call process
  • Personalised tutorials
  • Company referrals
  • Live sessions with alumni
  • Work on live projects
  • Case studies with the help of professionals together with fellow students
  • Regular tests for strong base and effective learning.
  • Option to choose from online and offline sessions
Mentors at Uncodemy, said to be the best Artificial Intelligence Training institute inNoida makes room for every student to let every student feel as if they’re at home, because westrongly believe in the idea of Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam "The World Is One Family" hence, thestudent gets a platform where there is no discrimination based upon anything and everybody getsequal chance to learn execute and conquer.
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Scholarship and certifications in Artificial Intelligence Training in Noida underUncodemy

Let us introduce Uncodemy, which is the best Artificial Intelligence Traininginstitute in Noida based out of Delhi NCR, India is well equipped to provide the ArtificialIntelligence certification ... course in Noida incompetitive price point. The tutors work at Uncodemy comes from big MNC’s to startups that arerapidly earning their name in the list of successful business tycoons. Uncodemy, employeestrainers, in association with fortune 500 to provide an efficient experience to the students whoareI about to attain the best Artificial Intelligence Training in Noida exclusively by Uncodemy.

Consider the below mentioned topics to know whatyou are going to study in the best artificial intelligence Training in Noida-

The industry expert trainers will guide you insuch a way that you won't feel unconfident and insecure while stepping into the real worldof Artificial Intelligence. As you know by now what kind of Artificial Intelligence coursebenefits in Noida, you can relish. But in addition, to that you can also earn certificatesalong with scholarships from the reputed associations of Uncodemy by doing the ArtificialIntelligence certification course in Noida with-

  • ISO
  • Skill India
Doing a Artificial Intelligence course in Noida especially with Uncodemy, is a future-proofinvestment. With its growing demand and trendy aspects, Artificial Intelligence is likely toremain relevant for many years to come. So what are you waiting for? Join Uncodemy to get thebest Artificial Intelligence Training in Noida.
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Work on live projects in Artificial Intelligence Training with Uncodemy

The best Artificial Intelligence course provider, Uncodemy offers a wide range of testseries and classes under its Bootcamp where you can participate in live project works along with the... specially skilled tutors of Uncodemy to prepareyourself for the real world scenarios. Programs that are included in the live projects,includes-
  • Paid internships
  • Volunteering

Chance to work on real projects of companies andorganisations to help each and every candidate in understanding pressures or maybe theloosen parts which needs to be tight.Incentive to closely look at the case studies to boostconfidence required for practicality.

These Live project works are truly efficient butif you think that it's the only tool to decide your fate, then you are wrong, because thisis not the end step of final evaluation it’s just a crucial step to sharpen your skill in away, that you don’t ever repeat the same silly mistakes while final execution.

The extraordinary and cost effective ArtificialIntelligence Training provider, Uncodemy adds, live project works under our Bootcampbasically gives a bundle of constructive criticisms to each and every candidate who wants totake over this world with their skills in Artificial Intelligence.

Lastly, Uncodemy whichis located in Noida, welcomes every student with open arms and asks you to enrol today, as the seatsare limited and we are beginning with our fresh batch, soon.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Comprehensive course providers like Uncodemy is usually open tostudents from all backgrounds. However, any reputed instituterecommends that students have some basic understanding ofcomputer programming and mathematics, as these are essential forunderstanding the concepts covered in the ArtificialIntelligence course in Noida. Additionally, it's helpful ifstudents are creative and have a knack for problem-solving.While no formal education is required, it's helpful if studentshave a bachelor's degree in a related field like computerscience, engineering, mathematics, or statistics.

Artificial Intelligence course in Noida is ideal for anyone whois interested in pursuing a career in this rapidly growingfield. This includes students who are looking to switch careers,recent graduates who are looking to enter the tech industry, andprofessionals who are already working in related fields and wantto upskill. Additionally, Uncodemy's course is suitable foranyone who is passionate about technology and wants to learnmore about cutting-edge technologies like machine learning anddeep learning. It's also a great fit for those who are eager tobe a part of the revolution that AI is bringing to everyindustry.

The admission process for Uncodemy's AI course in Noida is simpleand straightforward unlike any other institute. Interestedstudents need to fill out an online application form, which canbe found on the institute's website. They will then be contactedby a member of the admissions team to schedule an interview.During the interview, the admissions team will assess thestudent's background and interest in the field, and answer anyquestions they may have about the course. Once accepted into thecourse, students can begin the registration process and pay thecourse fees.

Uncodemy's AI Training course includes a variety of projects thatallow students to apply the concepts they've learned in apractical setting. Some of the projects students can expect towork on include:

  • Building a chatbot that can answer questions based on userinput.
  • Developing a recommendation system that can suggest productsor services to users based on their preferences.
  • Creating a machine learning model that can classify imagesor detect objects in images.
  • Building an intelligent system that can play games liketic-tac-toe or chess.
  • And many more!

You should expect a lot of hands-on learning, with lots ofprojects and practical examples to apply the concepts you'lllearn. The course will also provide you with a strong foundationin the theoretical concepts of AI and machine learning. You'lllearn about different algorithms, such as decision trees andneural networks, and how to use them to solve real-worldproblems. You'll also learn about the ethical and legalconsiderations that come with using AI technology, and how todesign AI systems that are fair and transparent.

Don't worry! Uncodemy understands that life can be unpredictable,and they have policies in place to accommodate students who needto miss class due to an emergency. Depending on the situation,you may be able to make up the missed work, or you may be ableto get a refund for the missed class. You can contact theinstructor or the admin team to discuss your specific situationand find out what options are available to you. They're alwayshappy to help!

Uncodemy offers both online and in-person Training options. Theonline Training is self-paced and can be completed at your ownconvenience. The in-person Training is instructor-led andprovides a more interactive learning experience. Both optionsprovide access to the same course materials, assignments, andprojects. You can choose the mode of Training that best suitsyour learning style and schedule. No matter which option youchoose, you'll receive the same high-quality instruction fromexperienced professionals.

In general, there are no formal prerequisites for Uncodemy's AITraining courses. However, students should have a basicunderstanding of math and computer programming, as theseconcepts will be used throughout the course. A high schooldiploma or equivalent is recommended, but not required. For moreadvanced courses, such as those that cover machine learning ordeep learning, it may be helpful to have some prior experiencewith programming languages like Python or R. But overall, thecourses are designed to be accessible to students from a varietyof backgrounds.

Upon successful completion of the AI Training course, you'llreceive a certificate of completion from Uncodemy, a placementcertificate and a certificate you will receive for working onthe live project of the industries. These certificates are atestament to your hard work and dedication, and it can be avaluable asset as you build your career in AI. Thesecertificates can be added to your resume, shared on socialmedia, or displayed in your office. It's a tangible way toshowcase your accomplishments and demonstrate your skills in thefield of AI. Plus, it's a great way to motivate yourself tocomplete the course!

Yes, Uncodemy does offer job assistance for students who completetheir AI Training courses. They have a dedicated career servicesteam that can help you with resume writing, networking, andinterview preparation. They also have a strong network ofindustry partners who regularly hire graduates from theircourses. Additionally, they host career fairs and networkingevents where you can connect with potential employers. And ofcourse, their instructors are always happy to provide guidanceand advice to help you succeed in your career.

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